Connecting exceptional talent with extraordinary opportunities.


Don’t just find a candidate. Find the right candidate.

H2 Recruits is a non-traditional professional recruiting and talent management services provider. Our approach is simple — relationship. We are dedicated to our clients’ business success and our candidates’ professional journey. We connect exceptional talent with extraordinary opportunity by getting to know each client and each candidate, leading to higher satisfaction, improved retention, and more stability.

H2 Recruits Executive Recruiting and Hiring

We Know Our Clients.

We invest time in fostering a connected partnership with our clients and understanding your talent strategy. We are dedicated to your company’s culture, mission, and goals and value our position to serve as an extended member of your talent and recruiting team.

H2 Recruits Executive Recruiting and Hiring

We Communicate.

Your time is valuable. We are committed to contributing effective communication and ongoing alignment that enables our clients with the clarity, productivity, and efficiency you need to focus on your business and trust us with your talent and recruiting needs.

We Care.

We are invested in our client’s success and value our position as your talent management and recruiting partner. The health of your business determines our candidate’s professional journey. We offer ongoing support to ensure you are attracting and engaging top talent.


Diversity & Inclusion Recruiting

Diverse Workplace Support for Businesses

Having a diverse workforce means happier and healthier employees, customers feel more respected, and managers have greater access to the talent and skillsets they need for their organizations to thrive. Diversity in the workplace is of growing importance for job seekers yet nearly half of hiring managers find it challenging to implement and maintain successful diversity inclusion programs.

At H2 Recruits, we consult with our clients to understand your D&I strategy and help you reach your goals.


Candidate Experience

White-Glove Recruiting Experience

Delivering a high-quality candidate experience attracts better-fit candidates, improves job offer acceptance rates, improves your public reputation, encourages candidates that were not hired to reapply later, and boosts retention and long-term employee engagement.

At H2 Recruits we deliver a superior white-glove recruiting experience to every candidate giving our clients competitive edge.


Candidate Placement Guarantee

Security our client’s deserve.

We are confident in our candidate placements. Our mission, values and strategy are structured with a long-term vision for client and candidate in mind. But life happens, situations and circumstances change. Because of this, we guarantee our placements with candidate replacement.

Subject to contract terms and conditions.


Employer Resources

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How can we support your professional recruiting and talent management needs?