2022 Is Unprecedented - Particularly Pay

June 2022 - Carol Schmidt has more than two decades of experience in the recruiting world, but what she’s seeing in 2022 is unprecedented.

That’s particularly true when it comes to how companies are approaching pay.

“We’ve never seen the pay-rate increases that we’ve seen over the past year,” said Schmidt, senior director of human resources at Morgan Hunter Cos. “And candidates keep getting it because there are no other options.”

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Mia Abrams
Promotion or Remote Work?

March 2022 - Most office workers would rather be able to work remotely than get a promotion, according to a new survey It's yet another data point that illustrates how workplace flexibility has evolved from a perk to an expectation at a time when companies are rethinking their policies on remote work.

A survey of more than 6,000 office or technology workers around the world by workplace automation company Ivanti found 71% of respondents would prefer remote work to a promotion.

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The Future Of The Workplace May Be Shifting

The new “normal” . . . what will the workplace of the future look like? These new work conditions may have a lasting impact on future standards of operation and moral.

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What You Need To Know About Testing Employees When Returning To Work

As employees go back into work, employers can implement procedures to reduce the risk of spreading the virus. Here are some things to keep in mind before testing.

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Do your employees need to wear face masks?

One question that keeps coming up is: are you requiring your employees to wear a mask or not? And, what if the employee refuses to?

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Increased Unemployment Benefits & Your Business

As a small business owner, we are facing unprecedented challenges. We are making hard decisions and taking action to stay afloat.

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Hiring College Graduates Post-Covid

Hiring managers and human resources will need to consider how the pandemic will impact future employment. How will recent graduates and millennials react to the “new” normal and job market?

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What You Need To Consider Before Rehiring Your Employees

The way you react to this difficult time and the decisions you make will have a lasting impression. Your employees health and safety should be a priority.

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How To Rehire Employees After A Furlough

When the economy picks up and we need to start hiring again, what’s the best way to bring back furloughed employees? Forecasting an increase in business and assessing your future hiring needs will be the first step.

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Unemployment Insurance & Furloughs

Unemployment insurance and furloughs raise a lot of questions right now, with all the new legislation. It can be challenging to make sound business decisions and determine how these laws impact your employees.

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