The Future Of The Workplace May Be Shifting

The new “normal” . . . what will the workplace of the future look like?

For many companies, the culture at work has changed as large numbers of employees have been working from home. Employees’ expectations may be different now. If they were able to produce the results remotely, why change back to how it was? It’s a hot topic and one that HR professionals will need to tackle. These new work conditions may have a lasting impact on future standards of operation and moral.

How will this shape your company’s work space?

Many of us have thought there would be a shift to an increase in remote work policies, but that may not be true. A survey conducted by SHRM, found that out of 1,000 HR professionals in the U.S. only 3% of their salaried employees worked remotely prior to the virus. In April, 64% worked from home and 95% said in the next 6 months they will go back to how it was.  

But, until there’s a vaccination, how will we know? With increased illnesses, absenteeism, and laws that protect employees due to the virus challenges will arise. The consistency of who will and who will not be given this option could result in HR risks.

Working from home is often a preference. Offering this benefit could make the difference in hiring. Candidates may decide that this will determine what offer they will accept. Indeed, the job posting websites have seen a rise in work-from-home and remote positions. The new wave of employees that have recently experienced this and have enjoyed the flexibility, may expect this option now. A positive work place environment was already a competitive edge when attracting talent, especially with hard to fill positions.

One has to wonder, when hiring needs and the demand for skilled talent increases, what changes will you implement and what decisions will be made?

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