Hiring College Graduates Post-Covid

Graduating from college is a major milestone in life. Choosing where you’re going to live and start your career can have a lasting impact on your future. College seniors are entering the job market at an unprecedented time due to the pandemic. A study was conducted prior to Covid-19 that sheds some light on why Birmingham is a good destination to enter into the job market.

In this study, Birmingham ranked #10 out of 115 cities, nationwide, as one of the best cities for new grads to live or move to. Here’s the breakdown of stats: #30 for affordability and fun, #4 in jobs, #7 in restaurants, and #9 in bars.

As an executive search firm, we recruit nationwide and work with our clients to relocate candidates. Educating candidates on the reasons Birmingham is a great place to live requires data, and sometimes, overcoming a negative perception due to our past history. Prior to the pandemic, Birmingham had one of the lowest unemployment rates, averaging between 3.2% to 3.5%. We ranked #4 in the job market, which included overall employment rates and rates specifically for college graduates. Average earnings and number of jobs listed were also measured.

One of the best “selling” points and benefits of living in Birmingham is the affordability, ranking #5 in the lowest median monthly rent. You get a lot of bang for your buck in my hometown. I grew up in Atlanta and moved here in 2000. The low cost of living and the affordable housing was one of the most compelling reasons to move here. We may complain about traffic but it pales in comparison to Atlanta.

Seven of the top ten cities for new college grads are located in the Midwest: Ohio, Missouri, Wisconsin, and Indiana. In comparison, California had the most cities in the bottom 30% due to how expensive it is to live there.

Hiring managers and human resources will need to consider how the pandemic will impact future employment. How will recent graduates and millennials react to the “new” normal and job market? And, what can we do to strategically plan for this unique candidate pool?

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