What You Need To Consider Before Rehiring Your Employees

We’ve talked to so many clients and companies throughout this pandemic discussing how they are managing and making decisions. The stress can bring out the best or worst in managers, highlighting strengths and weakness in the company culture. The way you react to this difficult time and the decisions you make will have a lasting impression. Your employees health and safety should be a priority.

This transition is going to bring up questions and concerns that you'll want to be prepared to address. With the changed work environment, this is an opportunity for some leaders to demonstrate their care and concern for their employees.

Will your company return to the “new normal” as a good place to work?

As the pandemic slows and social distancing is reduced, companies will start asking employees to come back into the office to work. Before they return, employers should review current company policies and procedures. You may even need to implement new ones and make revisions to others.

You will want to take action to reduce the risk of spreading the virus and implement additional safety measures like not reporting to work when the employee is sick. Flexible work hours may be an option and some employees may still continue to work from home. And what if they haven’t utilized the emergency family and medical leave provided by Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)?

Consider how this affects their benefits. Employees may have lost their benefit eligibility due to reduced hours. Review your benefit plans and provisions. If an employee returns before thirteen weeks of a furlough, employers must reinstate their benefits to comply with the Affordable Care Act.

Your company culture and reputation is at stake. Your company brand and, more importantly, the health of your staff is on the line. It's important to have open lines of communication during this time. Communicate with the furloughed employees keeping them up to date on their employment status. There may be policies that need to be adhered to like providing them a 36-hour notice prior to requiring them to return. 

Some questions to consider as you transition:

  • What are the social distancing expectations at the office now?

  • Are you mandating social distancing?

  • Will you implement taking your employees temperature or require it?

  • What’s your policy on flexible hours?

  • How does the FFRCA affect your decisions?

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